The company was incorporated in 1989 with the vision to combine high quality standards of construction with new levels of style and innovation.
Over 26 years McCullochs has built an enviable reputation for creating homes which have an aesthetic edge that meets the aspirations of an ever more discerning market. The company has never lost sight of the original vision.
Top designers and architects are engaged to ensure that every development is individually and uniquely designed for each location. Hundreds of homes in the South East lay testament to McCullochs’ achievements.
Our total focus is on building new homes that people would be proud to live in, that make a positive contribution to the surrounding area and we try to do this in the most considerate way for all involved.
To help us achieve this objective we purchase existing buildings that are no longer wanted, and we purchase land for development.
We do everything we can to help people realise their dreams and acquire our homes. We work closely with local estate agents and we have contacts that could help potential customers with their mortgage requirements.
McCulloch Homes are a leading builder of high quality homes in the South East. Our commitment to detail from planning to completion is second to none and underpins our first class reputation in everything we do…
McCulloch Homes are a leading builder of high quality homes in the South East.
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Os quaspernat eum raepror itissint lam quam, ventibusam vendi dellaut dolum eost fuga. Emporae ctatur accum nos alias estiatem re endusti ratur aciusap icillest.
Os quaspernat eum raepror itissint lam quam, ventibusam vendi dellaut dolum eost fuga. Emporae ctatur accum nos alias estiatem re endusti ratur aciusap icillest.
Os quaspernat eum raepror itissint lam quam, ventibusam vendi dellaut dolum eost fuga. Emporae ctatur accum nos alias estiatem re endusti ratur aciusap icillest.
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